Decisions of the High-Level Coordination Committee for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19

Unofficial translation Decisions of the High-Level Coordination Committee for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 formed under the convenorship of Hon. Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister for Defense Mr. IshwarPokharel 25 March 2020   1. Resume import and export of goods from Rasuwagadhi and Tatopani border crossing points with China by following the health protocol of the Ministry of

Decisions of the High-Level Coordination Committee for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19

Unofficial translation Meeting no. 12 24 March 2020 Time: 2.00 PM The High-Level Coordination Committee for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 constituted by the Government of Nepal through its decision of 01 March 2020 under the convenorship of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Hon. Mr. Ishwar Pokhrel has taken the following decisions: 1. As the Government of

Address to the Nation by Right Honorable Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli on Control and Prevention of Coronavirus

Unofficial Translation Address to the Nation by Right Honorable Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli on Control and Prevention of Coronavirus March 20, 2020 Respected Brothers and Sisters, Today, I am here before you not to talk about my health, but to discuss about the public health. Now, the entire world is passing through the most difficult mode in history arisen

Very Urgent Updated Notice Regarding Arrival Restriction in Nepal

(Updated on 18th March, 2020, Wednesday 23:45 HRS) Government of Nepal(GoN) has been monitoring the present global pandemic, scale of severity and spread of COVID-19 around the world. Guided by the WHO flash reports and recommendations and learning from the international practices, measures and force majeures to combat against COVID-19, the National High Level Coordination Committee has made the following

Get Help on COVID-19

संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकामा बसोबास गर्ने नेपाली नागरिकहरूलाइ हाल विश्वभरी नै महामारीको रुपमा फैलिएको कोरोना भाइरस (COVID-19) का सम्बन्धमा नेपाली भाषामा जानकारी तथा सहयोग चाहिएमा देहायका व्यक्तिहरूले दूतावासको अनुरोधमा सहयोग (Volunteer) गर्न तत्पर रहनु भएको व्यहोरा जानकारी गराइन्छ। If Nepali citizens living in the U.S. would like to get an information in Nepali language on CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Pandemic, Embassy of Nepal

State of Qatar Temporarily Bans Entry of People from 14 Countries Including Nepal

Under the direction of government authorities of the State of Qatar, as a preventive measure to limit the spread of Coronavirus, entry to Qatar is temporarily suspended for all those travelling from the following countries: Bangladesh, China, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Syria and Thailand. Only those with onward connections through Doha airport